01.装运条款 Shipping Terms
装运日期 Shipping date
装运时间 Time of shipment
装运期限 Time limit
起运港 Departure port
装运港/装货港 Port of Loading/loading port/port of shipment/P.O.L
目的港 Destination port
卸货港 Unloading port/port of discharge/port of delivery/P.O.D
转运港 Transferring port
分批装运 Partial shipment
转运 Transshipment
整柜 FCL/full container load/CY container
拼箱 LCL/less than container load
散货 Goods in bulk/bulk cargo/cargo in bulk/bulk product
航空 By air
航海 By sea
正本提单 Original B/L/original bill of lading
提单复印件 Copy of bill of lading/copy of B/L
空运提单 Airway bill
提货 Pick up the goods/take delivery of goods
陆运收据 Cargo receipt
报关 Clearance of goods/Customs clearance
舱位 Shipping space
收货人 Consignee
托运人 Shipper/Consignor
通知方 Notifying party
船名 Vessel
航次 Voyage
预计开船日期 ETD Estimated time of departure
预计到达日期 ETA Etimated time of arrival
截关日 ETC Estimated time of closing
订舱单 Shipping form/booking note
装货单 Shipping order/S/O
02.支付条款 Payment Terms
信用证 Letter of Credit (L/C)
即期信用证 Sight L/C OR L/C at sight
远期信用证 Usance letter of credit OR Usance L/C
不可转让信用证 Untransferable L/C
可转让信用证 Transferable L/C
不可撤销信用证 Irrevocable L/C
可撤销信用证 Revocable L/C
电汇 T/T OR Telegraphic Transfer
余额 Balance
总金额 Total sum/total amount/AMT
定金 Deposit/down payment
货币种类 Currency
汇率 Exchange Rate
03.贸易术语 Trade terms
EXW: Ex Works (适用于各种运输方式,卖方责任和风险最小,自交货地风险转移到买方)
货交承运人 FCA(Free Carrier)—(适用于各种运输方式,卖方在指定地点将货物交给承运人,风险转移给买方)
装运港船边交货 FAS(Free Alongside Ship)-(适用于海运和内河运输,指卖方在指定装运港将货物交到买方指定的船边(例如码头上或驳船上),即完成交货。从那时起,货物灭失或损坏的风险发生转移,并且由买方承担所有费用)
装运港船上交货/离岸价 FOB(Free on board)—(适用于海运和内河运输,卖方将货物装上船后,风险转移给买方)
成本加运费价 CFR(Cost and freight)-(适用于海运和内河运输,卖方负责运费,但在目的港口之前风险转移给买方)
到岸价 CIF (Cost, insurance and freight)-(适用于海运和内河运输,卖方负责运费和保险费,并在目的港口之前承担所有风险)
运费付至CPT(Carriage paid to)-适用于各种运输方式
运费、保险费付至CIP(Carriage and insurance paid to)-适用于各种运输方式
边境交货 DAF(Delivered at frontier)—适用于各种运输方式
目的港船上交货 DES(Delivered ex ship)—适用于海运和内河运输
目的港码头交货 DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay)-适用于海运和内河运输
未完税交货 DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)-适用于各种运输方式
完税后交货 DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)-适用于各种运输方式
04.其他术语 Other Trade Terms
原产地证书 CO (Certificate of Origin)
提单 B/L (Bill of lading)
货代提单 HB/L(House B/L)
船东提单 MB/L(Master B/L)
装箱单 P/L(Packing list)
唛头 S/M(Shipping mark)
无唛头N/M(No Mark)
采购单 PO(Purchasing order)
商业发票 CI(Commercial invoice)
形式发票 PI(Proforma invoice)
销售合同 S/C(Sales Contract)
销售订单 S/O(Sales Order)
净重N.W.(Net weight)
毛重 G.W.(Gross Weight)
中性包装 Neutral Packing
港口税 Port Duty/Port tax/Port charge
关税 Customs Duty
印花税 Stamp Duty
进口许可证 Import Permit/License
出口许可证 Export Permit/License
特别授权书 Power of Attorney
鉴定证明书 Inspection Certificate
海关申报 Customs Declaration
运费费率 Freight Rate
运费预付 Prepaid Freight
运费到付 Freight Collect
中转港口 Transit Port
码头费 Wharfage
仓储费 Storage Charge
舱单 Manifest
原产地证明 Certification of Origin
免费存放期 Free Time
装卸费 Handling Charge
禁止装运 Prohibition of Shipment
拼箱 LCL (Less than Container Load)
整箱 FCL (Full Container Load)
货运保险 Cargo Insurance
保税区 Bonded Zone
税号 Tax ID
开立信用证 Open a Letter of Credit (L/C)
提单不发通知书 Non-negotiable Bill of Lading (Sea Waybill)
运费分摊 Cost Allocation of Freight
船舶配载 Booking
货运代理 Freight Forwarder
退税 Rebate of Tax
双边贸易 Bilateral Trade
多边贸易 Multilateral Trade
报关 Customs Declaration
报检 Inspection Declaration
禁止转口 Prohibition of Transshipment
押汇 Documentary Credit
贸易保护主义 Trade Protectionism
反倾销反补贴措施 Anti-dumping and Countervailing Measures
投标 Bid Tender
资金流转 Financing
目的国 Destination Country
原产国 Country of Origin
付款方式 Payment Method
价格条款 Price Terms
出口商 Exporter
进口商 Importer
中间商 Broker
国际贸易 International Trade
关税税率 Tariff Rate
非关税壁垒 Non-tariff Barrier
贸易协定 Trade Agreement
退税 Rebate
报关 Declaration
报检 Inspection
报关行 Customs Broker
仲裁裁决 Arbitration Decision
商品分类编码 HS Code (Harmonized System Code)
装运日期 Shipment Date
到货日期 Delivery Date
船运期 Shipping Period
捆包 Packing
捆绑品 Bundle
托盘 Pallet
集装箱 Container
铁路运输 Rail Transport
公路运输 Road Transport
空运 Air Transport
海运 Sea Transport
多式联运 Multimodal Transport
售后服务 After-sales Service
卡车运输 Trucking
报价 Quotation
运输保险 Transportation Insurance
分拣 Sorting
关税 Tariff
海关 Clearance
增值税 Value-added Tax (VAT)
提前通知 Advance Notice
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